
Huntington Beach PD Profile - Con't

Coordinator Comments


Huntington Beach had 10% fewer false dispatches in 1998 compared to 1997. This was with a very rapid population increase.

Chief Lowenberg had a full-time alarm officer serve as the Model States alarm coordinator to oversee this project. Even with some manpower shortages and changes in the alarm ordinance being challenged at the government level, the alarm administrator was able to: identify the "worst offenders", notify them and their alarm company of excessive activation’s (letters were sent directly from the Chief along with their version of my Corrective Action Report), and the following daily statistics were realized:

Averaged 24 false dispatches per day during 1997

Averaged 21 false dispatches per day during 1998

Their alarm ordinance, which had been revised in 1997, allows for two free alarms; the third is $100; the fourth is $150; the fifth is $200; the sixth is $300; the seventh is $400; the eighth is $500; and the ninth and more carry a fine of $500 each and the possibility of restricted response. This gives credence to having meaningful, escalating fines! The jurisdiction also reports that they have seen increased consumer awareness since getting involved with the Model States Program. 

Approximately 40% false dispatch reduction in 1998 compared to 1983, taking into account the number of false dispatches against the increase in population.


Best Practices in Reducing False Dispatches
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