Letter Index

Village of Mundelein
200 North Seymour Avenue
Mundelein, Illinois 60060
Tel. (847)949-3250

November 20, 1998

Mr. Dan Petesch
Illinois Coordinator
Model States Program
1350 Aurora Avenue, Room 2026
Naperville, IL 60540

Dear Mr. Petesch:

As you know the Village of Mundelein is a participant in the Model States False Alarm Program. We whole-heartedly support the current efforts of the program and urge not only its continuation but the expansion of it. While many things have been accomplished, to end the program at this point in time would leave it short of its goal. Far too much time and effort have been expended to not see the program through to completion.

As President of the Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police, I bring another perspective of support to the program, not only regarding my community but also the support of Police Chiefs from across the state. The Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police passed a resolution at a recent conference, which shows our desire to reduce false alarms and all the issues that accompany the false-alarm subject.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


Raymond J. Rose
Chief of Police - Village of Mundelein
President, Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police


Letter Index

Best Practices in Reducing False Dispatches