
While most of these statistics will never show up as a measured element or goal of this project, one can readily see the impact and benefits that the Model States project had for many agencies’ in Florida.

EDITOR’S NOTE: These outreach efforts to non–Model State agencies, governmental bodies and other associations were quite common among all four coordinators.


California was the final state selected to participate in the Model States Program in October, 1997. The coordinator, Pam Harlan started employment on December 1, 1997. Her office was generously donated and located at the CPOA – California Peace Officers Association in Sacramento.

Liaisons for the California Model State Program included:

The California Alarm Association worked very diligently with me to help promote the concepts of the Model States Program. In fact, Past President George Gunning remarked recently that "the relationship between law enforcement and our alarm industry has never been better." One of the important elements of my position is to see that philosophy continue. "TOGETHER, WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE!"

Seventeen (17) California cities were initially selected to participate in the model program. The City of Vallejo was not able to spare the administrative time necessary for the compilation of data and the follow-up on accounts that had excessive false dispatches. Of the remaining sixteen cities who, to some degree, tracked alarms, identified their "worst offenders," revised ordinances, restricted or suspended police response to chronic abusers, sent corrective action reports, communicated with the alarm companies, shared their information with us, had meaningful and escalating fines, accepted cancellations, encouraged or required alarm central stations to attempt to verify alarms, participated in joint meetings with alarm companies, and supported


Best Practices in Reducing False Dispatches